Program Name - Supervision to Aid Reentry (STAR) Program (also known as Reentry Court).
Basic Description: This is a federal reentry court program for Philadelphia residents on supervised release. Every two weeks, up to 20 participants appear as a group before a federal magistrate judge to report on their progress. The participants are also intensively supervised by the U.S. Probation Officer assigned to reentry court. The Court and Federal Probation Office assist with education, training, employment, and other needs and impose graduated sanctions when necessary. After participants successfully complete 52 weeks, they are eligible for a reduction of their supervised release period up to one year.
Eligibility Criteria: Individuals returning from custody with a significant risk of recidivism and/or history of violent crime (generally considered moderate to high risk offenders). Individuals must be residents of Philadelphia County. Participation is voluntary and most participants chosen need employment, training/assistance, or are likely to benefit from the program's resources in other ways. When considering qualifying criteria, individuals must score a 5,6, or 7 on the Risk Prediction Index (RPI). All referrals for STAR are screened by Supervising U.S. Probation Officer Fred Crawford and supervised by Sr. U.S. Probation Officers Derrick Luby and George E. Reid.
Judges - Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge L. Felipe "Phil" Restrepo and U.S. Magistrate Judge Timothy R. Rice
Court Overview PDF
Reentry Survival Manual